Just got back from a movie. Watched Wicker Park finally didi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice show man.. Wow! Was great great great... except.. it reminded me of stuff. Too much stuff. Oh well. Life is such.
Feeling moody right now. Probably PMSing. Thinking of stuff. Had a lonnnnng talk with Cindy the other day after school. Was amused at how much the both of us are alike in terms of personality. We are both taureans and we same very very similiar, almost identical persoanlity traits. All hail taureans. I personally think people who has a taurean for a spouse/partner is really really lucky. Somehow, we slog ourselves out to provide for our loved ones, to make sure they have the best, i.e we sacrifice ourselves in order to give more to our partners. To the point that whatever we do are for others, and never for our own benefits. Pretty stupid to you perhaps, but if you are a taurean, you are likely to understand the motivation behind such things. It's non other than love, perhaps to the extent of blind love. It's addictive. We find ourselves neglecting all elements, including ourselves, in order to build our world around the other party. Swallowing every inch of hurt, worry or exhaustion just because we rather ourselves be put through the downs in everyday-life than to have our loved ones be exposed to any of such unpleasant experiences. Like what she said, we are just destined to have a 'lao2 lu4 ming4'. We don't ask for anything in return, and only choose to give more in the process simply because it is our nature to provide for them. In return, we only ask to be blind forever. But I guess what she said was true.. if we wake up, I guess there's no looking back. If it gets to us, it will be the limits. And that's when we will eventually say we are done and start a new life.
So people out there, if you are single, nab a taurean today. And when you do, cherish them and love them with all your heart. Cause if you lose them, you probably will never get them back simply because they deserve someone better than you. It's so sad but true. *sigh*
Dead tired. Headache, moody. So many things bothering me. PMS please exit. I am tired.. Night..
Feeling moody right now. Probably PMSing. Thinking of stuff. Had a lonnnnng talk with Cindy the other day after school. Was amused at how much the both of us are alike in terms of personality. We are both taureans and we same very very similiar, almost identical persoanlity traits. All hail taureans. I personally think people who has a taurean for a spouse/partner is really really lucky. Somehow, we slog ourselves out to provide for our loved ones, to make sure they have the best, i.e we sacrifice ourselves in order to give more to our partners. To the point that whatever we do are for others, and never for our own benefits. Pretty stupid to you perhaps, but if you are a taurean, you are likely to understand the motivation behind such things. It's non other than love, perhaps to the extent of blind love. It's addictive. We find ourselves neglecting all elements, including ourselves, in order to build our world around the other party. Swallowing every inch of hurt, worry or exhaustion just because we rather ourselves be put through the downs in everyday-life than to have our loved ones be exposed to any of such unpleasant experiences. Like what she said, we are just destined to have a 'lao2 lu4 ming4'. We don't ask for anything in return, and only choose to give more in the process simply because it is our nature to provide for them. In return, we only ask to be blind forever. But I guess what she said was true.. if we wake up, I guess there's no looking back. If it gets to us, it will be the limits. And that's when we will eventually say we are done and start a new life.
So people out there, if you are single, nab a taurean today. And when you do, cherish them and love them with all your heart. Cause if you lose them, you probably will never get them back simply because they deserve someone better than you. It's so sad but true. *sigh*
Dead tired. Headache, moody. So many things bothering me. PMS please exit. I am tired.. Night..
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