Angel's wings

Sunday, September 12, 2004

I feel so *warped* today. The weirdest thing happened. Dilly, my male hamster turns out to be a female. Wanna know how I found out? CAUSE I FOUND A LITTER OF BABIES TODAY! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Was wondering why she looked THAT fat yesterday. Had even wanted to praise Andy for feeding 'him' well, and making him grow that big. And today, pock came about 8 babies from my 'male' hamster. I am so in shock. Was told by the breeder they were both boys. Was resigned initially that they were gay and Silly had no choice but to hump Dilly for fun. And now, I have 8 babies. Ah! Was in a state of panic, cause no way was I prepared for that. I had expected Dilly to stay male until he grows old and dies. And now, suddenly, Dilly's a she and a mother to boot. Gosh. Bittersweet feeling though. Great seeing Dilly all motherly and all. But she's inexperienced and too young to be a mother. She's only like 3 months old. Was just told that two of her babies are in the bathing sand, some are with her in the top tube loop and one fell out of the bottom tube into the main cage, and dunno if there are any in the bottom tube. Think she's sleeping above in the loop tube. Hope all the babies will not be neglected. Gonna be very sad if they die or something. Sigh. So worried.. Silly's living in the play cage for now. Hai. I can't believe they are parents now. They were suppose to be buddies forever!!

SIgh.. babies be strong!!!!!!! Any advice to care for those tiny ones and my darling Dilly?

Oh the lighter note, watched The Terminal last night. Pretty good show! Tom Hanks is a really good actor. ENjoyed it a lot. Played pool. Bad bad, lost all night :( Was shopping for stuffs and stationary before that. Had fun buying pretty pens and stuff but ANdy seemed so bored. Haha Muacks. Bought cute accessories for my cam too! Weeeeee!


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