Just got home. Had the most wonderful time today. Thanks to my boy! Barely slept last night actually. Slept for like 4 or so hours? Had a revision workshop this morning so I had to drag my ass out of bed. Sigh. Was groggy, grouchy and in a "I'm-gonna-kill-someone mood". Thankfully the MSM lecturer was nowhere boring. Basically I enjoyed his lecture quite a bit and I was wide awake 30 minutes into the lecturer. He was that good lor. Managed to turn something that boring into something that was enjoyable enough to jolt me into full attention. Was a lot clearer now. He did a nice summary of the topics. Was trying to work out the answers as he went along. Was rather enthu about it - something I haven't felt for a long time. Haha.
Andy came to pick me up after school. Headed over to Carol's place to see Baby Natasha! Gosh shes a lovely princess! Adorable!!!!!!! Shes so cute and lovely. Love her to bits! Played with her, carried her etc.. such a darling... *gush* Can't wait to see her again. Hopefully she would not forget me.. she was gazing into my eyes for such long periods while I was playing with her! My heart was practically melting! Sadly had to leave to meet Lily for dinner close to 8 :( Sorry da baobei! Will visit you and xiao baobei when I can! Hugs!
Went to pick Lily up afterwards and had dinner at Pizza Hut. Somehow I didn't seem to eat much but was bloated. Andy kept insisting I ate a lot. Am I really such a big eater and a pig? Gosh. Ba chor mee.. YUMMMM! Anyways I had a nice time with them But the way they park quite fierce lol.
Went to Marina South Park after that for a stroll. Just the two of us after sending Lily home. Was really nice. Love taking strolls like that with him. Away from stress and everything else. Just the two of us, without anyone we know. Perfect. Was nice and all.. But hated the statues part.. Really scary. Thinking of it sends shivers down my spine. Brought me to the lake or whatever and told me stories.. Was nice :) Was sharing his life.. Walked and many thoughts came into my mind. About the past.. about the routes different people take and all.. Thought of how things can change just like that and the emotions people have to be put through because of it. Thought of the consequences of certain actions and how it changed lives. Wondered if the order does matter.. A lot of things I guess.
Was reading Char's blog and more things came to my mind. I guess I can somewhat understand what she is going through. Frankly, I cannot bear to think of leaving Andy. I've always been have cold and heartless when it comes to breaking guys' heart. The more painful the better. At least they wouldnt come back crying to me. I guess that was just me. Protective of myself and all. WOuld not let a guy to hurt me. Guys are puppets. Good fun. The things they do and say when they want a fraction of you affection. But everything has been thrown out of the window since 7 months ago. Not that I am regretting it. On the contrary, I am glad it happened. And I hope that the same will happen for Char. That things will work out for them. It's a trial darling. EVerything will be alright. You'll be fine. Hugs. Be there for him. And always remember that no matter what happens, we'll always love you. *hugs*
Okie.. Time for bed. Living on a 4-5 hour sleep. Bad for health. My stomach is cramping. Frick :(
Andy came to pick me up after school. Headed over to Carol's place to see Baby Natasha! Gosh shes a lovely princess! Adorable!!!!!!! Shes so cute and lovely. Love her to bits! Played with her, carried her etc.. such a darling... *gush* Can't wait to see her again. Hopefully she would not forget me.. she was gazing into my eyes for such long periods while I was playing with her! My heart was practically melting! Sadly had to leave to meet Lily for dinner close to 8 :( Sorry da baobei! Will visit you and xiao baobei when I can! Hugs!
Went to pick Lily up afterwards and had dinner at Pizza Hut. Somehow I didn't seem to eat much but was bloated. Andy kept insisting I ate a lot. Am I really such a big eater and a pig? Gosh. Ba chor mee.. YUMMMM! Anyways I had a nice time with them But the way they park quite fierce lol.
Went to Marina South Park after that for a stroll. Just the two of us after sending Lily home. Was really nice. Love taking strolls like that with him. Away from stress and everything else. Just the two of us, without anyone we know. Perfect. Was nice and all.. But hated the statues part.. Really scary. Thinking of it sends shivers down my spine. Brought me to the lake or whatever and told me stories.. Was nice :) Was sharing his life.. Walked and many thoughts came into my mind. About the past.. about the routes different people take and all.. Thought of how things can change just like that and the emotions people have to be put through because of it. Thought of the consequences of certain actions and how it changed lives. Wondered if the order does matter.. A lot of things I guess.
Was reading Char's blog and more things came to my mind. I guess I can somewhat understand what she is going through. Frankly, I cannot bear to think of leaving Andy. I've always been have cold and heartless when it comes to breaking guys' heart. The more painful the better. At least they wouldnt come back crying to me. I guess that was just me. Protective of myself and all. WOuld not let a guy to hurt me. Guys are puppets. Good fun. The things they do and say when they want a fraction of you affection. But everything has been thrown out of the window since 7 months ago. Not that I am regretting it. On the contrary, I am glad it happened. And I hope that the same will happen for Char. That things will work out for them. It's a trial darling. EVerything will be alright. You'll be fine. Hugs. Be there for him. And always remember that no matter what happens, we'll always love you. *hugs*
Okie.. Time for bed. Living on a 4-5 hour sleep. Bad for health. My stomach is cramping. Frick :(