Angel's wings

Friday, May 20, 2005

Happy 23rd Birthday to my Sweetest Beeyan!

How time flies, we've been friends for almost ten years now! Wow! Thank you for always being there for me, especially of recent. You are an inspiration and most definitely a source of strength. Been a magical journey. You have always been there for me, to make merry, to hold my hand, to cry for me, to soothe my pain, and most importantly, to bitch and listen! You've always been a sister I never had.

On this special day, I wish for God to grant you happiness and abundant love from all who surrounds you. To be given the joy you have showered upon us as your friends and loved ones. To bring that special someone one step closer into your life with each passing day and give you the love and bliss that you deserve!

Happy Birthday Sweetheart. Love you loads!


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